After trying on many names for our new puppy, we finally found the perfect name...
Welcome, Bentley...
It just fits him. Plus, with his vet bills already, we can almost afford one...(a Bentley that is). ; )
Things are going great. Bentley is healing fine. I did take him back up to the vet school on Saturday because it looked like he had popped a stitch, which he did, but it had healed enough and was on the smaller cut that is closer to his tear duct. The Chief of Opthomology even concurred that all looked good and there was no cause for concern over the popped stitch. We go back this Thursday to get the stitches out and they will reevaluate it then.
Scarlett is adjusting to the new ankle biter in our home. I know she never intentionally meant to hurt Bentley. She is amazingly patient with him but certainly delivers a low warning growl when his razor sharp puppy teeth have made contact or his jumping and barking trying to get her attention has grown old. I wouldn't leave them alone yet, but we certainly have made lots of progress. Clearly an adjustment for all household members.
Potty training is coming along. Actually, as most puppy owners (and potty training parents) know, its more about training the parents about good timing and watching for the tell-tale signs. Sniffing the ground and turning in a circle is usually a pretty obvious one. He's doing pretty good considering he's only 9 weeks old now. The race is on...who can I get potty trained first? Bentley or Dalton?
Bentley has commandeered Dalton's chair. It really is the perfect dog perch. Sadly for him, he'll only fit in it another couple of weeks and then he'll be way too big. He's squished in there, but is also elevated so he can see what all is going on and not risk being stepped on. Sat on maybe...but not stepped on.
Aaaaaa...there's nothing like puppy breath and watching the innocence of a new baby. Yesterday, Bentley barked and growled at Emerson's camouflage shoes for a good 15 minutes. It was pretty funny.
So, all in all, after our rocky start, puppyhood is going well here. It's worth every nighttime wake up and every sponged up puddle. Simple sweetness. Wouldn't trade if for the world.