Saturday, January 9, 2010

Puppyhood - The Teenager

Here we are...the teenager puppy. Alot has happened over the last six months.

Even though we had a pretty rough start, having an older dog makes puppyhood so much more tolerable. Bentley and Scarlett are inseparable now. (Now that Bentley FINALLY has gotten the fact that Scarlett is the Queen and always will be). They have so much fun together.

Well, the little Southern Belle and Gent (or butler if you ask Scarlett) are now Midwesterners. They handled the trek in the horse trailer from NC to MO just fine. Had plenty of room to move around plus their kennels with doors tied open for when they wanted to rest. Once arriving, they spent a few nights at the dog spa before we got into our new house.

Now, not my ideal situation, but our yard has no fence. It has an electric dog fence but neither of our dogs are trained on one. If you have been anywhere near a TV or weather radio in the past weeks you know Antarctica uprooted and replanted itself right on the US (at least the temperatures are reflecting that theory). It is downright FREEZING. Well, since we moved around Thanksgiving, and there has been no tropical heat wave, the idea of training anything, anywhere, outside is not an option. So, the indoor/outdoor doggies, have become strictly indoor...which they are not opposed to. Bentley has turned into my office dog. In the few minutes I get to steal at my computer, he curls up under the desk and sleeps.

When I first met Bentley with his mama, I thought to myself, if this dog turns out to be half as sweet as her, he's going to be one special dog. Guess what...he's at least that sweet.

And of course, there is a special connection between puppies and little boys. This is so true. Emerson and Bentley have truly bonded. Bentley is honing his Star Wars skills and is great at chasing X-wing fighters through the house. Emerson works on walking on all fours and barking. (I think this is a little confusing to Bentley, but he plays along). It was fun watching them run and play in our first real snow here.

Turns out, puppyhood is thankfully flying by fast. (They're cute at 6 weeks when they curl up and sleep by your neck...but if I could go from that step to 2 year old, that would be great..)

Bentley is a healthy, happy, puppy. Scarlett's health is good. Having half of her teeth removed hasn't slowed her down a bit. She is still Miss Scarlett. Bentley has just surpassed her in height. He's probably about 45 pounds or so and still growing. Puppies are good!

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